I named her Stella.
She disappeared for quite awhile and I finally decided she had moved on....
One night a couple of weeks ago, I spotted black cat slinking around outside and on a hunch I yelled "Stella!" in my best Marlon Brando voice. heh. And to my surprise, she came running towards me! It was definitely my Stella.
And she was obviously nursing kittens.
For 10 days I tried to find those kittens and I finally gave up. I don't know much about cats but I didn't think she'd roam too far from them, but maybe she did? She did her job well, keeping them extremely well hidden.
Last week, I happened to catch her slinking around again and saw her crawl under one of the buildings on our property. It's a big metal building that holds equipment. One corner of it has became a "catch-all" for junk that needs to be thrown out, recycled, given away, etc.
I followed her into the building (I used the front door instead of crawling through the hole) and looky what I found:

Yep -- FOUR kittens (that I now have to find homes for)! I am going to guess they are about 4 weeks old. They're so tiny!
Their cute little tails stick straight up into the air! I'm really more of a "dog person" but have to admit that little kittens are some of the cutest things ever to exist.
I am quite tempted to keep them all!
(And just in case someone is wondering: yes, all cats will be seeing a vet and they will not grow up to reproduce again!)
Thanks for visiting!

They are adorable! And I am so glad you are a responsible pet owner!
Aww! Your little black kitten with the white under the chin story sounds much like our "Onnie" short for "Onyx" that showed up then delivered kittens to us as well. We no longer have Onnie but have two of her four. The other two we adopted out. That was about 10 years ago. Our girls, the twins, Misty and Patch are the sweetest things ever! I do hope you find homes for them, they are absolutely adorable!
They are sooo cute.
Good shed cats - keep 'em!
They are so cute, esp. that black and white one! I agree, I am a dog person, I am allergic to cats; but they are cute!
Too cute! I had a stray tomcat a few years back..still with me but no longer a "true" tomcat!!
Several years ago, Randy brought our boat home from storing it all winter. In it were six little kittens, not yet old enough to be without their mama. Jared and I bottle-fed those babies for weeks. One of Randy's customers saw them and offered to take them all to her farm. I'm sure she still has them!
I hope you find good homes for yours, as well~
Ah-dorable!! You know I'm a cat-lover... So I vote that you keep them all, have them altered and Enjoy the lake together!
What a sweet Spring-gift you've received!
I grew up visiting my grandparents on a farm- we were CONSTANTLY following momma cats back to find their litters & bring them close to the house/to a safer area/where we could handle & treat them!
They are so darn CUTE!!!!!!!!!! But then they grow into CATS,LOL! XO, Pinky
That pic in the bowl just melts me! I love them. We are all so allergic so we can't take any but they are adorable.
SO cute! I am a sucker for kittens...which is why we have 4 fairly obnoxious cats now. ;-)
Thanks for following me! It sounds like we share a lot of the same passions and our faith. I will add yours to the list on my blog page, so I can check in as you write, and maybe others will discover you, too.
Best wishes!
The kittens are just adorable! How good of you to feed Stella; she rewarded you with a gift! 4 little gifts! We have had stray cats in our yard and we feed them. Two of them (the mamas) we had spayed too.
Happy Memorial Day!
Blessings, Beth
O those precious little kittens! Take good care of them!
They're little souls who have come into your life :o)
We took in a stray at 7 months --- almost two years ago - she is precious!
Best Wishes (and a new follower - i"m a new blogger)
Linda (aka beachside cottage)
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