So much to update but I will have to do it a little at a time. I've been taking photos all winter with the intention of posting them!
A couple of small updates:
K is loving college. Absolutely LOVES it! She is happy with her classes, her chosen major and her roommate and friends. We couldn't ask or pray for more! College is her new "home" now... If the dorms had stayed open over the Christmas break, she would've stayed right there. Since they did close, she came back home for almost a month and we loved having her back!
Gray hair is still growing out. It has been five months since I last colored it. I'm actually very happy with the color -- there is much more black than I thought it would be, and the gray is a shiny silver color. A month ago, I had it cut and layered -- short! (I have not worn my hair this short since the 80's when I wanted to be a Joan Jett look-a-like and immediately after that phase, a Pat Benatar clone.) I'm going to guess there is about 2.5" of new growth but the way the layers are cut it doesn't show a lot. It does show enough that people now realize I am growing it out and I've gotten a few nice compliments on it!
I will have to post some photos.
Since my last post, I've changed the name of my blog and even the location. The last four years, my blog was called "Blogging About Nada" and I believe the name was encouraging me to blog about... nothing. Since we live on the lake, I went through about 30 names and finally settled on this one: Adrift on the Lake. It's my favorite thing to do on the boat -- drive it to the middle of the lake and shut off the motor and just drift....
Thanks for visiting my blog!

I love the new name of your blog. It conjures up wonderful images in my mind of peaceful, serene, relaxing days floating along on a calm lake - glistening from the sun. ;)
Liz @ the Brambleberry Cottage
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