Tuesday, March 22, 2011

I'm melting, melting! Oh, what a world, what a world...

March always brings the Melting Of The Ice at the lake. It is an event. Each day we watch as the ice becomes darker and darker and finally just disappears and the lake becomes water again.

A few weeks ago our neighbors were out on a beautiful day and built a snowman. Actually I think it was a snowwoman. By the time they were finished, it resembled more of a woman. She melted quickly with the warm days to follow. 

About 3 weeks ago

I'd say this was definitely a snowwoman
Snow lady became a blob in a few days
The ice was still very solid and there were plenty of vehicles driving on it along with a multitude of ice fishing houses. The past couple of weeks has brought warmer weather and a huge snow melt. 

As the ice becomes thinner, it also becomes darker. Just before it disappears, it is a dark dark grey, almost black color.

Same view on Saturday, March 19, 2011 : snow is gone and ice is getting darker

  Looking towards the east at the dark ice.
A little bit of water is at the edge near the rocks.

View from our patio on the lake. Can't wait to sit by the water again!

My guess is the ice will melt by March 27th.

A tribute to one of my favorite scenes from one of my favorite movies -- the ol' Wicked Witch of the West as she melts away...

I'm melting, melting! Oh, what a world, what a world...

Thanks for visiting!


  1. Hi Carolyn, Thanks for your comment on my post today. That's pretty neat that you've been to Fredericton! It is a beautiful city and UNB is a very well known school around the world for it's engineering program and the UNB Varsity Reds sports teams :-). My grandfather, father, brother, sister, husband and daughter all went there! I like your progression of photos of the lake ice melting. I have been watching the Mactaquac Headpond (lake) above the dam as it slowly melts but there is a way to go yet. Your view of the lake is great and I imagine you enjoy many wonderful hours on you patio. Soon! :-) Blessings, Pamela

  2. We were melting like that around here too - - - but today we're regressing with snow, sleet, rain, lightning, and lots and lots of low rumbling thunder.

    My ground which WAS getting bare is white again.

  3. What a beautiful view you have! I really enjoyed your lake pictures. Must be fun to live that close to the water and watch the birds, and people!

    We are getting cold again. :(


  4. Beautiful view from your patio. I hope spring come to you very soon!

  5. Hi Carolyn...

    My friend, you have a beautiful place there at the lake. It is right in your backyard! Beautiful!!! I lived on Lake Corpus Christi for about 30 yrs. in south Texas but not even once...did it look like the water might freeze! Hehe! I have never experienced lake life in the winter. It's hard to imagine that it could actually freeze so hard that vehicles drive on it...eeeks! I sooo enjoyed your lovely photos and yep...I would definitely say that the snowman was a snowwoman! Hehe! Too cute!

    Thank you so much for dropping by and taking a peek at my new treasure finds! I really enjoyed your visit and sweet note, my friend!

    Warmest spring wishes,
    Chari @Happy To Design

  6. Hello Carolyn, nice to meet you.
    Just become a follower of your blog.

    Interesting the lake post. The only time I have seen a lake like that is in Mass. (not going to even try and spell it!)

    I will answer your blog questions via. E-mail.

  7. I'm just not sure I would ever be brave enough to drive a vehicle on the ice, no matter how thick! I'm sure you will be glad to have that beautiful water back.


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