Wednesday, February 23, 2011

The Eagle

I usually leave for work each morning around 7:30 and at least once a week I see a Bald Eagle flying along the road. Usually he is too far away or too high to try to capture a photo. The last few days, the eagle has surprised me by flying out of one of the trees next to my driveway! So this morning, I slowly drove down the driveway towards the road with my camera turned on and in my hand...

Sure enough -- just as I pulled onto the road, the eagle swooped out of one of our trees and took off into the air. Even though I had the camera in my hand, it was still hard to get a photo -- but I did catch a blurry one.

About a mile later, he surprised me and flew into a small grove of trees by a house.

Just a quick glimpse of these majestic eagles always makes my day!

1 comment:

  1. It's great that you were finally able to capture one with your camera, Carolyn. They truly are majestic birds.

    Liz @ the Brambleberry Cottage


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